More of Katy’s ‘Soft Wax’ for Sale &#8211


My daughter Katy finished up another batch of soft wax that is now for sale on etsy. You can check it out here. The 4 oz. tins are $12 each plus $2 shipping.

Katy plans to continue to make the wax during her summer break while she isn’t working as a bagger at the local grocery store. This grocery job will be her first “corporate” gig, and I’ll be interested to see how she likes it.

She’s gotten a lot of questions about the soft wax via email, customers at the storefront and her older sister. Here is a sample:

Q. Is it a food-safe finish?

A. While all finishes are food-safe once the solvent has evaporated (according to the FDA), why take a chance ingesting some unevaporated turpentine? We don’t recommend it for cutting boards or spoons. Try a non-drying vegetable oil instead.

Q. Can I use it on my workbench top?

A. Yes. But it will reduce the friction between your workbench and your work. We recommend straight oil or no finish on workbenches.

Q. Can I use it over other finishes?

A. Absolutely, yes. It is like adding a wax barrier over the finish. It won’t be as hard as a paste wax or floor wax, but it is easy to apply and renew.

Q. Can I use it on my face and lips?

A. Please don’t. Turpentine will irritate your skin.

Q. Can I use it on tool handles?

A. Absolutely. It leave a nice finish on old tool handles.

Q. Is Katy going to make any other products?

Q. We have discussed making a “bench finish” using a recipe I’ve discussed here 100 times. But her sister, Maddy, wants a cut of the family business. We’ll see.

As always, thanks so much for supporting Katy’s efforts. She does it all of her own volition (I’ve got enough on my plate) and is thrilled that people buy it and like it.

— Christopher Schwarz

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