One Month and Crapping – I Mean ‘Counting’ &#8211


Fantastic news for those of you attending our book-release party for “The Anarchist’s Design Book” on March 12. Copperplate artist Briony Morrow-Cribbs is flying in from Vermont for the event and will be there to sign books and some original plates – we’ll have two sets there to sell.

More details on the plates soon.

We’ll also have T-shirts, free stickers, pizza and beer.

Work on the storefront has stalled this week because I’m finishing up a tool chest for a customer. But we are making progress at Willard Street. The drywall guys hung the wallboard on the new wall, restoring the front room’s original shape.


And Mike Sadoff, my right-hand worker bee these days, has begun the joyous process of priming over the purple paint.

After staring at the back room for a long while today, I think I know what to do with the brick archway to restore that area’s Second Empire/Victorian feel. More details when my head catches up with my gut.

— Christopher Schwarz

P.S. If you aren’t able to attend the book-release party, we hope to have Briony visit the Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event for a short time at Braxton Brewing. So look for her there (she’s the one without a beard who is not named Megan).


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