Stickers Are Coming Back…. &#8211

A sticker creates the Naughty Edition.

By request from readers, we are going to try to bring back some stickers. The original Sticker Queen, my daughter Maddy, is too swamped with getting her doctorate to take on the sticker business. But my youngest, Katy, has agreed to give it a try.

There will be three stickers in this set, and they will be for sale through Katy’s etsy store in about a week. Each set will cost $10 (sticker prices have gone way up). And there will be international shipping. Here’s what will be in the set.

Our roll of stickers.

The Return of Sharpen This

With the publication of my new book “Sharpen This,” several readers asked if the cover could have the naughty skeleton hand on it from an early set of stickers. We can’t publish a special version of the book with a different cover (it would double the manufacturing costs). 

But we can make a sticker.

I designed this sticker to fit right over the diestamp on “Sharpen This” so you can transform your book into the Naughty Edition.

Build Instead of Buy sticker.

‘Build Instead of Buy’

The core philosophy of my work is “Build Instead of Buy,” a phrase that appears early on in “The Anarchist’s Design Book.” Here I’ve combined it with a 12th- or 13th-century image from a Welsh book of laws. The image of this judge is regarded to be the earliest known depiction of a stick chair.

Rest for the Weary sticker.

Rest for the Weary

The third sticker is one I’ve done before. It features a silhouette of the chair that launched my obsession with making stick chairs back in the 1990s. And the chair is surrounded by a crest from the 19th century.

All the stickers are vinyl and 100 percent waterproof. These are premium stickers from Stickermule and not one bit flimsy. 

Look for the stickers to go on sale in about a week.

— Christopher Schwarz

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