SAPFM’s Mid-year Conference Looks Crazy Good &#8211


Though I can’t attend the mid-year conference of the Society of American Period Furniture Makers in Knoxville, Tenn., next month because of family obligations, I urge you to check it out. The program, which runs June 11-15, is pretty fantastic.

Check out the full listing of events here. Of course, the historical stuff is great, including the house tours and inspections of period pieces, I am most interested in the presenters who are discussing the nitty-gritty how-to.

At the top of the list: Al Breed. You might not find a better living, professional cabinetmaker today. His work is as good as I’ve seen. And he’s a great instructor. Al will show how he veneers curved surfaces and might have time to show some of his carving as well.

Don Williams (you know Don, right?) will be there to step back into the finishing realm after finishing up the exhibit of the H.O. Studley tool cabinet and workbench. Don’s true passion is on historical finishing methods. Just ask him. No, strike that. You don’t even need to ask. Just stand near him and it will all come out.

Don will show his methods for making new finishes look old. Expect cool chemistry stuff.

And then there’s Jeff Headley and Steve Hamilton, who will show how to construct a Shenandoah Valley Tall Case Clock. Even if you have no interest in clocks, do not miss a chance to see Jeff and Steve work. These guys are fantastic, smart and hilarious. I’ve seen them present about five times and could go another 100 times.

There’s tons of other stuff going on during the four-day weekend, so check out and get registration information here.

And if you aren’t a member (I am), please consider joining. It’s a great group of dedicated woodworkers.

— Christopher Schwarz

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