Update: Lost Art Press Headquarters &#8211


I leave for England tomorrow to teach for two weeks at the New English Workshop and am looking forward to the break from the real estate game.

During the last few months we have been on an Unfun House of Mirrors adventure through the land of commercial real estate. We almost ended up with a new headquarters building last month until the sellers decided to act like the crazy I’m-getting-a-divorce people that they are.

It was a crushing disappointment (read: we finished that box of wine), but I have been touring buildings every day since and have been making real estate agents somewhat miserable (sorry, not sorry).


While we are dedicated to the Covington city center, we have widened our search a little. We are still looking only at commercial buildings, but now we are including law offices and the like. These don’t always have a formal storefront, but they do have a big open front public space for benches, books and whatever else we cook up for the space.

But for now, I can stop thinking about zoning overlays and focus on nailing things in England. With a big hammer. Joy.

— Christopher Schwarz


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