Nick Offerman, ‘Donkey Thoughts’ &#8211

I hope I don’t get in trouble for stealing this screenshot.

Woodworker, writer, whisky-lover, actor and all-around renaissance man Nick Offerman has a new twice-a-week Substack newsletter, “Donkey Thoughts,” in which he hopes, he writes, to be sometimes useful and “at least relatively amusing.” Having read (nay, devoured) all of Nick’s books; I have no doubt he will succeed on both fronts.

I couldn’t hit “subscribe” fast enough. Because yes, as long as Nick is the “slow-talking…medium-looking white guy in his fifties try to find his figurative ass with both hands,” I very much look forward to reading about it. The text version will be free, he writes, “but if you want to be able to ask questions or see the bonus materials, which may or may not include some minor nudity, or eventually imbibe the scents(!), you’ll need to subscribe. It’s extortion, yes, but at least I’m up front about it.”

Consider me gleefully extorted.

– Fitz

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