An Unexpected Honor &#8211

The latest issue of Quercus magazine features a drawing of me on the cover and a photo of Megan on the back cover. Put together we are almost a centerfold (and nearly a professional publishing company).

This cover was a bit unexpected. Nick Gibbs asked me for a photo showing me at work for his John Brown tribute in issue 11. Then he asked Lee John Phillips to turn that photo into an illustration. Nick put it on the cover of issue 12 to promote an excerpt from “The Stick Chair Book.”

I was a bit grumpy about it at first. I have spent the last 11 years avoiding magazines, podcasts, seminars and classes. Why? I needed a psychological break from media because… well… this will sound weird but I found it difficult to grow as a designer and builder when people were asking me to do the same things over and over (workbenches, tool chests, hand tools….). 

There’s more. Even though I never intended it, this cover symbolizes a small return to the periodical life for me. This week, Megan and I are finishing up the first issue of The Stick Chair Journal. Plus I have just agreed to write two more articles for Fine Woodworking and work with the fantastic Anissa Kapsales. Weirdly, it all feels good.

So thanks to Nick for the privilege (even though my boobs are *much* bigger in real life).

— Christopher Schwarz

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